A fairly good start to the series, the characters and story were
very good and I felt diappointed when the read was over. Anway
onto the...
Good points: First of all, this was a big improvement
on the Preview issue, the main problems I had with that issue
were fixed here. Firstly, the art was great, the pencils and the
colouring looked great on every page. The story was interesting,
the way that you learn about the main characters through their
interaction is unforced and makes them seem interesting.
The 'investigation' of this issue is great! I really liked the
idea of Axel Brass protecting the cave for so long. That's real
heroism. And also quite tragic.
The final thing I think that is great about this issue is that
there seems like there is so many things going on and that there
are so many good ideas hinted at. It really makes me want to read
the next issue.
Bad Points: The only bad point is that while the character
interaction is good, I find that I quite dislike the members of
Planetary at the moment. This may change and I hope it does.